Tagged “security”
- HTB Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2024 Writeup
- Cheeky Bucket Squatting Defeated by Terraform
- Pinot RCE, DataDog, your 2FA codes off the rails
- Apache Pinot Insecurity
- Salesforce Hardest Hitting Hacker
- ReDoS in Ruby net/http when parsing response headers
- Google CTF 2020 Writeup
- DEFCON:SM Car Hacking
- Python tarfile infinite loop DoS
- SocketIO / EngineIO DoS
- v380 IPcam: Firmware patching
- v380 IPcam: Move with SOAP
- SecTalks CTF: ROP + ASLR = 500¥
- User-agent parsing REDoS (CVE‑2020‑5243)
- Jenkins UDP ping-pong (CVE‑2020‑2100)
- Exploit Grafana (CVE‑2019‑15043)
- Two REDoS vulns in cpython
- Big Data Lake, Big Data Leak
- Apache Zeppelin Vulnerability + Metasploit
- Your S3 buckets are leaking
- What The Fuzz
- Man-in-the-middling Android apps
- Avoiding injection with taint analysis
- v380 IPcam: Hardware Hackz
See all tags.